5 Steps to Break Through Your Limits and be happy

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1. Plot your patterns.
Finding, identifying and solving your roadblocks are the first step to happiness.
“There’s only one thing that will make you happy: progress,” he says.

2. Find your purpose.

The breakthrough? “Understanding the power of compressing decades into days.”
Which will lead to purpose: “My whole focus is really helping people have an extraordinary quality of life that means life on your terms, not mine.”

3. Feed your mind.

“Every day stand guard at the door of your mind.”
The most successful people are hungry. They have a hunger for learning—they don’t get comfortable. “When you’re hungry, “there’s continuous breakthroughs, because you’re always looking for answers.”

4. Push yourself.

Ask your self “My entire life from the very beginning days was, How do I do more for others than anyone else on earth?”. “How do I give them experiences that are lasting? How do I create change where change wasn’t possible?”
“I made it so I had nowhere to go but forward,” should be your answer.

5. Nourish your spirit.

 “I know that fear and anger are the things that mess people up. You cannot be grateful and be fearful simultaneously. You can’t be angry and grateful simultaneously.”

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